(白ごま香る 豆乳スープ/パクチー香る ベトナム風スープ
/大豆ミート使用 豚汁風)
(島根県松江市 中浦食品株式会社)
しじみ生産量日本一を誇る島根県・宍道湖のしじみ漁師が厳選した、最高品質の殻付き大和しじみを使い、毎日しじみのパワーを朝、昼、晩取り入れていただける「豆乳/エスニック<ベトナム風>/豚汁風」の3種類を用意。しじみといえば味噌汁のイメージですが、薬膳しじみスープは洋の食卓にもぴったり。パンにも合い パスタなどのアレンジも可能です。
★島根・鳥取地区の中浦食品店舗、東京・日比谷「日比谷しまね館」、奥沢「かに舞」、「shop de ゆる薬膳。」などで販売中
Yoko Ikeda
Culinary researcher of medical cuisines
Yakuzen food therapist
Welcome to my website. my name is Yoko Ikeda. I’m a culinary researcher of medical cuisines (Yakuzen).
I hold a seminar and think of new recipes. And I write some books about medical cuisines.
What is ” Yakuzen”
It’s a Chinese food therapy. In the study of Chinese traditional medicine. They have idea that we keep in shape by eating food. Every ingredient has some kind of effects to our body. We can improve our disorders by adopting this idea, to every day diet depending on the season, body condition and physical constitution.
“Yakuzen” is the cuisines based on this idea.
Ingredients you see at a supermarket, such as Vegetables, fruits and meats, every single ingredient has a medical effect. So by reviewing and using the ingredient we eat, We can practice Yakuzen.
What is “Easy Yakuzen”
Since I don’t want people to think that Yakuzen is too difficult, I propose “Easy Yakuzen”.
What “Easy Yakuzen” like is practicing the way of diet which is easy and based on the study of Chinese medicine as much as possible.
Although some people have a set image that they use Chinese medicine for Yakuzen, You don’t have to use it.
Some people think they cannot eat Yakuzen cuisines unless they go to a special restaurant. But we don’t have to. You can use ingredients at a supermarket. You can also use canned ingredients.
It is also possible to practice when dining out. If you select dishes including ingredients which your body needs, you can practice Yakuzen.
So if you adopt the theory based on the Chinese medicine, Yakuzen is not limited to Chinese dishes. it is also suitable for Japanese, western, end worldwide cuisines. We can make yourself at home as well. So I’d like everyone in the world learn about Yakuzen.
We should start with the food we eat to become healthy and beautiful.
Let’s become healthy and beautiful by learning Yakuzen.
★からフル(扶桑社)「日本全国アンテナショップでゆる薬膳。」連載 https://colorfuru.jp/gourmet/4528
★All About 美容食ガイド